Pieter van der Zwan
& Associates

We specialize in South African tax and IFRS advice. Our clients get high-quality advice from an advisor with whom they can build a close long-term personal working relationship.


We offer tailored South African tax solutions to our clients.  Our clients can expect solutions that combine technical excellence and practical insight with the personal touch of a trusted advisor.

Corporate Tax Computations

We assist corporate taxpayers to prepare or review their income tax and deferred tax computations.

Tax Reviews

Proactive management and monitoring of your tax affairs avoids disputes and leakages. We perform reviews for corporates and high net-worth taxpayers.

Tax Disputes

We assist taxpayers and their accountants to successfully navigate the tax dispute process from responding to audit findings to appeals.

Tax Opinions

We provide clients with balanced and well-researched opinions on South African tax matters (including section 223(3) opinions).

Structuring and Advice

We assist taxpayers and advisors to assess the tax implications and risks of various alternatives for transactions and structures to ultimately find a tailored solution.

Correspondence with SARS

We assist taxpayers to obtain advance tax rulings, opinions, and directives from SARS.


We advise on a wide range of South African tax matters.
Our areas of experience and expertise include:

Acquisition of businesses

Sale of shares or businesses

Corporate reorganisations

Financing arrangements

Investment funds

Wealth structures


We aim to build a long-term working relationship with each client. Our regular clients are:

SMEs and their owners


International groups 

Investment funds

High-net worth individuals 

Family trusts

Accountants and auditors

Law firms

Financial planners

Prof Pieter van der Zwan

Pieter is a chartered accountant (CA(SA)) who holds a master’s degree in tax. He is an associate professor at a South African university where he is responsible for a master’s degree in tax. He is the author of chapters in various textbooks, peer-reviewed articles, and articles in industry publications. He has been practicing as an independent tax and technical accounting advisor since 2010. He serves on technical committees of various professional bodies.



Tax complexities of lease arrangements

Tax complexities of lease arrangements

The tax implications of lease arrangements may be inherently complex in nature. This includes the tax treatment of lease premiums and leasehold improvements. The tax court recently considered a case dealing with lease premiums in case no 14189. This article provides...

VAT: Separation of supplies into parts

VAT: Separation of supplies into parts

Where a supply consists of parts that would be subject to different VAT rates if consideration had been charged separately for each part, the VAT Act requires that such parts be treated as separate supplies (section 8(15) of the VAT Act). This article briefly reviews...

Budget 2019: Business and corporate tax perspective

Budget 2019: Business and corporate tax perspective

The National Treasury published the Budget Review 2019 (‘BR2019’) on 20 February 2019. No significant adjustments were made to tax rates and the general perception of commentators appears rule to be that the BR2019 was less eventful from a tax perspective than in...

Deductions allowed for future expenditure

Deductions allowed for future expenditure

Taxpayers are taxed on income at the earlier of the date of receipt or accrual and are entitled to deduct expenditure to produce this income when such expenditure has been incurred. While the these two sets of events may in some instances fall in the same year of...

Trust our expert knowledge and experience to reduce your uncertainty and solve your complex tax problems.

Need Advice?

We regularly advise and assist clients with South African tax matters. Do you need an opinion on the South African tax implications of a transaction or arrangement? Do you require assistance to resolve a tax dispute?

Contact Us

+27 (083) 417 5904

